Thursday, 3 December 2015

Gender in Photography

Before I start taking photographs for my own project I wanted to research a few themes that I can use to help with the development of my own work. One theme that I have looked at is gender in photography. Through my research, I have found some very interesting points that have helped me realise certain points to consider which I would not have before. I have learnt that when taking photographs, whether I am focusing on gender or not, it can still play a big part in the final photograph. In most of my photographs I wont be focusing too much on gender as it isn't relevant to a lot of my photographs. However, it could be used for two of my photographs, where I am planning on taking photos of a barmaid serving a drink to a customer with a smile and then turning around and looking upset. I could potentially focus on gender in these, by maybe having the customer looking like he has been offensive and having the barmaid looking vulnerable. Below are a few photographs where gender plays a big role and that could be used as inspiration for my own project;

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