Tuesday 1 December 2015

John Ingledew: Photography key notes

One of the key readings that I have done in preparation for this course is from John Ingledew. Ingledew explains how photography is a potent and powerful force, able to tell huge stories through single images. He states that the key to creating great pictures is not through the equipment used;its about finding your own way of seeing things using photography. The reading highlights how photographs have the power to stop time preserving moments that have passed by and that particular moments that are caught'conjure up' memories and emotions for people. Ingledew also looks at the technical side of photography and a key point that I drew from this reading is the fact that cameras can register events or objects that the eye cannot by using exposures of fractions of a second, minutes or hours. This reading has made a few things clear for me; I need to tell a story through my images and to make great images I need to make the story in a way that I see something.

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